Yet another update… WTF is going on with the shop…

Yeahhh it’s been a while since I updated the blog, and even longer since I have attended to my Facebook page. Sorry about that, for those two or three of you who have been anxiously awaiting news from the ‘Moon.

So, what’s up then?

We’re looking for a storefront. We’ll probably wind up buying a small building somewhere, because the math is better, but we’re still open to renting if we can find the right place.

Thought we had a good possibility at NorthPark Mall, but turns out the owner doesn’t like People Like Us.  Explore, a shop that was there for a while in the 90s, had to move out because they sold tarot cards. Yeah they’d probably (who am I kidding – definitely) have a problem with us – good thing we found out before we signed a lease.

Fifty Penn Place is another possibility – we love the space and it’s right off the highway. Great location, except over half of the retail space is vacant. This is what’s known as a “dead mall” – and they’re asking $12/foot for the privilege. However, a new leasing company has taken over, so we’ll keep an eye on them. If they can rejuvenate it, we’ll certainly consider it. The proximity to a lot of radio stations (there are a few in the office tower) might gain us a bit of free publicity, if they are interested in doing call-in tarot readings during the morning show or something like that. And the conservative talk radio station can bemoan us aloud, which is also publicity. Any publicity is good publicity, as the saying goes.

Here’s our Official Policy on that kind of stuff:

Please! come and protest outside! We will buy you pizza and soda and everyone will get on the news. It’s totally win-win (as long as it’s peaceful protest – you leave your rocks in your pockets, and I’ll leave my bullets in my gun).

There’s space in Bricktown but I personally hate having to pay to park. The tourist trade would rock for card readings, so even though Bricktown is at the bottom of the list, it’s on the list.

So that’s where we are in terms of a location – neither here nor there, literally. Still spinning our wheels on the Information Superhighway. If you know of a good location that’s favorable to Our Kind, please let us know.

In other news, Ande’s been going to trade shows and learning lots of stuff, checking out shops in other cities to do market research, and the studio is a huge mess from the spate of shows we did in the 4th quarter and January.

We’re not doing ANY more shows until we get our mess cleaned up, the tax paperwork turned in, and the website headed in a direction we like. The chaos makes me think that maybe I’m not really, deep at heart, all that serious about the biz. Gotta reign it in a bit because even I’m starting to feel unfocused.

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