A nice lady customer asked a while back if we carried Dragon’s Blood Bubble Bath. I hadn’t heard of this before and asked for more details. She said you use it for lifting curses. While she shopped around I looked it up online and there it was, a big ol’ bottle of polysorbate 20 and synthetic fragrance, courtesy of Indio. Not a mention of the resin, which is typical Indio style – all talk, no walk.
The customer is more into European-style witchcraft (such as Wicca), and dragon’s blood is used in that tradition as well as in rootwork. We use it in rootwork for protection (it’s a prime ingredient in Fiery Wall of Protection formulations), as well as other things. So jinx-killing bubble bath would be a good use for it, whether in hoodoo or in witchery.
Yes, I could get it. But no, I’m not going to. Instead, I told her I’d make bubble bath that has actual dragon’s blood resin in it. I found out later that there is an essential oil of dragon’s blood and will order some of that to make Protection bath crystals with when we introduce bath salts into the Triple Star Mojo product line.