Dragon’s Blood Bubble Bath! Whee!

A nice lady customer asked a while back if we carried Dragon’s Blood Bubble Bath. I hadn’t heard of this before and asked for more details. She said you use it for lifting curses. While she shopped around I looked it up online and there it was, a big ol’ bottle of polysorbate 20 and synthetic fragrance, courtesy of Indio. Not a mention of the resin, which is typical Indio style – all talk, no walk.

The customer is more into European-style witchcraft (such as Wicca), and dragon’s blood is used in that tradition as well as in rootwork. We use it in rootwork for protection (it’s a prime ingredient in Fiery Wall of Protection formulations), as well as other things. So jinx-killing bubble bath would be a good use for it, whether in hoodoo or in witchery.

Yes, I could get it. But no, I’m not going to. Instead, I told her I’d make bubble bath that has actual dragon’s blood resin in it. I found out later that there is an essential oil of dragon’s blood and will order some of that to make Protection bath crystals with when we introduce bath salts into the Triple Star Mojo product line.

Picture of Triple Star Mojo Dragon's Blood Bubble Bath product label art

Dragon’s Blood is used for protection as well as jinx-breaking.

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Posted in Hoodoo, Magickal Work and Witch Craft, Meaningful Products, Mojo Supplies | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cleaning the Studio, Found a Poem

Sometimes things get a bit cluttery in the world of a professional artist.

I was hunting down my bin of antique mail box parts to use some actual cogs and gears (not those faux ones from the craft store) on steampunk style pendulums. Turns out they were hiding under my big oak workbench. I remember putting them there because that bin is too heavy for my puny bookshelves.

In order to get to these treasures, though, I had to move several two-foot-high piles of catalogues and magazines that had accumulated there on the floor (because the floor is a flat surface, you know). Things that, for the most part, are still relevant today. I picked them up at trade shows and have been working toward getting where I can order from them and put the new stuff on the shelf here at the Moon.

Well it occurred to me that I have a mostly empty file cabinet in my office at the store, so hey, I could just take that to work with me and put it away for a change! Yay!! I am well-stocked with tote bags, so I filled *11* of them with the stuff, hauled it out to the car, and felt mighty proud of myself to have reclaimed a one-by-five strip of floor space.
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What does the future hold for the metaphysical industry?

Today’s the last day of INATS. Sadly, it’s a much smaller show now than it used to be. Some of the companies survive because they sell to many industries and do the big gift shows in Las Vegas and New York. Some that were just mom-and-pop ones have vanished forever, as mom and pop aged out or went to do something else.

Still, the show goes on, and for that I am grateful. I love this trade show because the people really like to connect with each other. Shop owners and manufacturers and publishers can all get to know each other. Nobody’s britches are too big here… not if you want to stay in business, that is.

Jacki Smith of Coventry Creations and Molly Trimble and Maggie Feeney of Retailing Insight magazine spend a little time talking shop on the sales floor during INATS 2013.

Jacki Smith of Coventry Creations and Molly Trimble and Maggie Feeney of Retailing Insight magazine spend a little time talking shop on the sales floor during INATS 2013.

But still, the show is shrinking…
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Posted in About Us, Local News, Magickal Work and Witch Craft, On The Hatin' Path, Starwind/House of Shadows | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment