So my last post, “We’re Not Renewing Our Lease”, has generated a lot of discussion on Facebook. And there have been several “shares” of the post, which I deeply, deeply appreciate.
First off I want to say that I hear, all the time, “I am so glad to find a shop like this in Oklahoma City” and “We really need a store like this in Oklahoma City.” It warms my heart when people tell me that, and it helps me to know that I am serving a demographic that often feels left out of things when it comes to niche stores, where the mainstream is Conservative Christian.
But there is a reason why we don’t have more shops like Once Upon A Silver Moon, and that is simply because it is expensive to stock them with beautiful things. Someone asked me today if I’d thought about maybe going into a flea market instead of my expensive, beautiful, historical location, and the simple answer is that honestly I couldn’t sell the things I make to the kind of people who go to the flea market, and the people who buy the kinds of things I sell won’t step foot in the flea market. Continue reading