Let Me Run The Math For You

So my last post, “We’re Not Renewing Our Lease”, has generated a lot of discussion on Facebook. And there have been several “shares” of the post, which I deeply, deeply appreciate.

First off I want to say that I hear, all the time, “I am so glad to find a shop like this in Oklahoma City” and “We really need a store like this in Oklahoma City.” It warms my heart when people tell me that, and it helps me to know that I am serving a demographic that often feels left out of things when it comes to niche stores, where the mainstream is Conservative Christian.

But there is a reason why we don’t have more shops like Once Upon A Silver Moon, and that is simply because it is expensive to stock them with beautiful things. Someone asked me today if I’d thought about maybe going into a flea market instead of my expensive, beautiful, historical location, and the simple answer is that honestly I couldn’t sell the things I make to the kind of people who go to the flea market, and the people who buy the kinds of things I sell won’t step foot in the flea market. Continue reading

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Head’s Up: We’re Not Renewing Our Lease When It’s Over

GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE: everything is regular price for the next 20 months!! Then it all goes away, for whatever we can get for it.

We thought it would be fair to give everyone a lot of notice that we won’t be renewing our lease when it runs out at the end of July, 2015.

Yes. That is a long time from now. But since we still get customers who have found us because they couldn’t remember where Starwind was and googled for them, only to be surprised that they’ve been closed for 20 years, or others who don’t realize that it was 8 years between stores for us, a little advance notice might be helpful.

Before you freak out, there are two options: one, we just close our doors and vanish forever, and two, we buy a building and own it instead of paying rent every month. Continue reading

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Store Policy on Tax Exemptions

Today a guy came in to purchase some incense. When he got to the checkout, he handed me a card that looked like it was printed out maybe in 1970 and carried in his wallet for the intervening 43 years and expected me to know what to do with it. Allegedly, it was a Disabled Veteran’s Tax Exemption card.

I have never seen one of these before. There is no photo on the card, only a name. It’s not even laminated, just like an old social security card. Anyone can print out something like that, so for all of these reasons I’m like, dude, I have no idea what that is.

As you can see, this looks just a little sketchy.

As you can see, this looks just a little sketchy.

I’ve held a sales tax permit since 2000 and have never, ever been informed of this stuff. There’s not a place on the sales tax forms I have to fill out every month to account for sales to people with these disabled vets cards. So for all I know, it’s something this guy made up to get out of paying sales tax. Continue reading

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