Author Archives: transfer transfer
What Occult Shop Owners Do On Summer Vacation
You’ve probably heard of “trade shows”, right? It’s one way both small shop owners and big store buyers go to pick out the next round of merchandise. Vendors set up booths and the customers (I and others like me) walk … Continue reading →
A House of Shadows: Remembering Starwind
This article is written not to be an authoritative source of information but instead to serve as inspiration for old Starwind customers to share their memories of the place. If you have photos please email them to me and I … Continue reading →
How and Why to Make a Voodoo Doll
The principle behind a voodoo doll (also called spirit doll or poppet) is called sympathetic magic. What happens to it theoretically happens to the person it represents. Obviously, it helps to be heavily superstitious to believe that someone can make … Continue reading →