You’ve probably heard of “trade shows”, right? It’s one way both small shop owners and big store buyers go to pick out the next round of merchandise. Vendors set up booths and the customers (I and others like me) walk around, peruse everything, and chat with other store owners.
First off I want to say sorry for the low-res pictures. I think most of these came from my cell phone, and in 2005 that left a lot to be desired. For some reason I can’t find other pictures – I think I must’ve shot film! Last time I went was 2011 and I didn’t take any pictures. (Last year we stayed home Making like crazy to get stock up for the new store.)
The International New Age Trade Show is held every year in Denver. I like trade shows in general, but I really like this one because it gives me a chance to talk shop with my peers, take in some good music, and in general just relax and look at all the neat new stuff. Many times when people come into Once Upon A Silver Moon we hear “wow, this is a neat store” or “I’ve never seen this kind of stuff before!” Well, when you run the store, it gets to be kind of ordinary. So going to INATS is how shop owners get to have that “oh wow!” experience.
One of the best things about this show is that there are performances by different artists, a short set of maybe 45 minutes. Just enough for a taste, to encourage disc orders.
New Age music is very chill, you know, so it’s quite relaxing to sit in the lounge area and take a load off your feet. Afterward, sometimes they do signings. That way you get one free to play in the shop as a demo. It works, too – people hear it and want to buy a copy.
Note: I tried to hunt down Mr Cryan for a current link to what he’s up to, but all I found was the studio exec. I emailed him for more info – perhaps there’ll be an edit with current info.
Of course you can’t have a New Age trade show without psychics! This year I am going to be doing tarot card readings at the Retailing Insight Magazine booth on Saturday and Monday. Woo! I’m excited. Reading for other readers is a good way to stay humble.
There are going to be book signings, too. In addition to the ones they have in the lounge areas, Llewellyn, Hay House, US Games, and New Leaf do them in their booths!
Then there are just so many neat people there. I’m looking forward to seeing Jacki and Patty from Coventry Creations, although I don’t think I’ll be lucky enough to steal away with their shelves this time. I also hope to see what Oberon and Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart have done with their booth, if they are there. Every year it’s a little different and they are so clever with their booth construction.
I’ll try to get some great photos this year and post them next week!